And something similar happens in ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Autoimmune Diseases and POTS.
This January 18, 2023, a study has been published in which a group of patients with Persistent Symptoms of COVID died without treatment for Viral Persistence.
In the autopsies it was confirmed that they did have COVID-19. They still harbored virus-infected cells inside their lungs.
Here is the link to the study in question:
In the image we put the initial paragraph of the Discussion of this study.
The patients had multiple Negative PCR tests for SARS CoV-2, some had more than 10 PCRs, which included, in addition to PCR by Nasopharygeal Swab, PCR of Bronchoalveolar Lavages (BAL), which also gave false negative results, and this for up to 300 days, counted from your last Positive PCR result.
They were thought to be free of infection, but the patients continued to have symptoms and eventually died.
In the majority of reported cases, pneumonia was the cause of death. In the autopsies, the post-mortem analysis confirmed through the pathological examination of the lungs that the majority died with Diffuse Alveolar Damage (DAD), which is a characteristic finding of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), which is the lung disease that occurs in severe and critical acute COVID.
To confirm the presence of virus-infected cells, antibodies that specifically detect the spike and nucleocapsid proteins of SARS-CoV-2 were used by immunohistochemistry (IHC).
For our part, 3 years after the start of the COVID pandemic, we reaffirm that the main cause of Long COVID or PACS is Viral Persistence.
It should not be considered that it is a Post-Infectious disease or Sequelae.
As in the reported cases, there is an active SARS CoV-2 infection, and there are often co-infections.
In the Table of the link, Persistent Intracellular Infection is presented as the main CAUSE of Long COVID or PACS, the Effects or consequences being the various organic changes and dysfunctions that this infection causes.
Thus, as long as the clinical symptoms of COVID persist, there is a persistent and active infection by SARS CoV-2.
Something similar occurs in ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Autoimmune Diseases and POTS, which we consider to be mostly caused by persistent intracellular infections that mainly affect the blood vessels.
This is detailed in the following table:
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Great article.
It looks like the first step should be getting rid of the virus in the gut, if needed using antibiotics to get rid of the gut bacteria that the virus infects as a bacteriophage.
The second step should be getting rid of the virus inside monocytes that can take the virus anywhere in the body.
Can you please help us with some protocols to achieve that, Gustavo?
Yo estoy diagnosticada de esclerosis sistémica, aunque los reumatólogos dicen que no cumplo del todo los criterios de clasificación. Capilaroscopia positiva. Raynaud. Uñas azuladas por dentro, entumecimiento y dolor de las manos. A veces mejor a veces peor. Agotamiento extremo en dÃas intercalados. Y un debilitante tinnitus. A parte tengo otros sÃntomas claves y hace tiempo, debido a mis alergias alimentarias, me dijeron que podÃa tener una posible mastocitosis que nunca me trataron. Doctor, qué puedo hacer yo para sanarme? Gracias.